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#匿名者Q #陰謀論
00:00 前導
01:45 匿名者Q說了什麼
03:27 川普是救世主的證據
04:56 川普對「匿名者Q」的回應
05:26 杭特拜登是性虐兒童的變態?
07:04 從線上的陰謀論,到線下的真實暴力
08:13 陰謀論盛行的原因:人性心理
09:21 陰謀論盛行的原因:社群與網路的強力串連
10:27 我們的觀點
12:00 提問
12:13 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→匿名者Q陰謀論崛起 成美國民主社會「最急迫威脅」:https://bit.ly/2JwxXc2
→What is the QAnon conspiracy theory?:https://cbsn.ws/3kWIbQA
→視川普為救世主 極右新崛起 匿名者Q群現造勢場:https://bit.ly/361ZucH
→Why do people believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories?:https://bit.ly/3etG84k
→Folk devils and fear: QAnon feeds into a culture of moral panic:https://bit.ly/34PkxQt
→The growing influence of the QAnon conspiracy theory:https://bit.ly/3p0a2Cb
→Why is QAnon going global?:https://bbc.in/34Sz4en
→QAnon in Europe: How the COVID pandemic helped promote a dangerous conspiracy theory:https://bit.ly/3mMIGNJ
→How conspiracies like QAnon are slowly creeping into some Canadian churches/Social Sharing:https://bit.ly/3mLueFM
→Wayfair: The false conspiracy about a furniture firm and child trafficking:https://bbc.in/35Z47Er
→He’s a former QAnon believer. He doesn’t want to tell his story, but thinks it might help.:https://wapo.st/2HTnnLj
→How the Left Lost Its Mind:https://bit.ly/32b2tP3
→川普確診|左派瘋傳「川普詐病」 右派反嗆:拜登趁辯論會播毒:https://bit.ly/386j2PP
→打擊極右派陰謀論 臉書封殺匿名者Q帳號粉專:https://bit.ly/2TLu58Q
→As QAnon grew, Facebook and Twitter missed years of warning signs about the conspiracy theory’s violent nature:https://wapo.st/3jT4y8n
→YouTube Cracks Down on QAnon Conspiracy Theory, Citing Offline Violence:https://nyti.ms/3mS50Wp
→Trump’s cryptic warning ahead of Iran decision: ‘The calm before the storm’:https://bit.ly/3mKXA7e
→QAnon Conspiracy Theory Lands On European Shores:https://bit.ly/2TOq4jX
【 延伸閱讀 】
→顛覆世界政治 解構陰謀論與「新世界秩序」 https://bit.ly/3jS6mOQ
→The Instagram aesthetic that made QAnon mainstream https://bit.ly/2Gs8AqG
→拜登子電郵門案外案 朱利安尼稱握有不堪照片:https://bit.ly/3oRhIGD
→追查拜登子醜聞案出處 NBC:作者與機構皆「純屬虛構」:https://bit.ly/34SDW2X
→What’s the deal with the Hunter Biden email controversy?:https://bit.ly/3841hRm
→QAnon Is Running the Pizzagate Playbook With Hunter Biden:https://bit.ly/3ejn2xI