Dane Wigington – “There is NO Natural Weather Anymore!” (A Roundtable Discussion)

According to geo-engineering researcher and solar energy expert Dane Wigington, there is no natural weather anymore.

So what’s going on? By best estimates, geoengineering, the artificial manipulation of our global climate has been happening for 60 plus years and has created a total disruption of our weather system.

In this candid and sobering round-table discussion with Dane Wigington, commercial photographer and creator of the documentary film Look Up, George Barnes, and Dr. Doug Levine – executive director of Life after Cancer, we spoke about the Global distraction that keep the masses in survival mode, which has greatly reduced our ability to be aware of our surroundings, including and especially what is going on in our skies. The implications of a sustained weather modification program are huge, and they affect each and every one of us.

Please be advised that this interview was conducted several years ago on-location in Los Angeles. In light of the recent weather “anomalies” including multiple hurricanes and other unusual weather patterns, what is revealed in this talk may put some of what we are seeing play out in better perspective. This is a GREAT discussion for those who are new to the concept of geo or climate engineering (aka, weather modification).

Visit Geoengineering Watch:

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones

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Music for this episode: “Improvisation on Friday” by Alex

