Hey Nancy Pelosi, Q Anon has a message for you! Qアノン 管理人A — · 0 Comment //www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9-QSyt6jzYTN Homesteader comes through with another dynamite Q anon Decode! Follow him on Gab : https://gab.ai/TNhomesteader Download the presentation and follow along! https://ps247.link/Q2555-CallingNancyPelosi にほんブログ村 にほんブログ村 412 Anon 412ANon destroying the illusion Dustin Nemos Dustin Nemos2 Nancy Pelosi praying medic Q Anon Q Anon Decode QAnon QAnon Decode real news SGT Report SGTReport War Drummer X22 Report x22Report