新世界秩序をぶっ壊せ!FEMA強制収容所 FRB連邦準備銀行 ロン・ポール


House Resolution 645, or H.R. 645 for short is a government bill that was written for the establishment of what the bill calls “National Emergency Centers”. It is believed that these centers are being built in this country and are also being referred to as “FEMA Camps”.
There are in fact hundreds of these camps being built all over the country. The bill states that no less than 6 of these national emergency centers should be built. Reference: Yahoo Voice

ロナルド・アーネスト “ロン” ポール (Ronald Ernest “Ron” Paul, 1935年8月20日 – ) は、アメリカ合衆国の元政治家。共和党所属でテキサス州選出の元連邦下院議員であった。2013年に引退した。参考:ウィキペディア

