Arizona Speaks Out Against Geo Engineering Chemtrails

THIS is what we should be focusing on and taking action on- NOT tearing each other down on youtube in the name of Christ. There are serious issues that need our voice and this is one of them. This is why I brought attention to chemtrails via a doctor but instead of focusing on that the youtube conspiracy community went crazy focusing on everything BUT the important message of OUTING chemtrails. This clip was aired by Galactic service and unfortunately was back in 2014. I am hoping by sharing we will gain a momentum of community outreach to all our senators and have a town meeting in every place we live. ALso- have you ever thought about getting a blood test to see the amount of barium in your blood? Let’s use this as an example of how we are NOT powerless and we can come together to let them know that #wedonotconsent
To see FULL meeting here is the link. Sad how many more people should have been there but we can’t let the ones that DID speak up go to waste.

